Role of The Board
The role of the Board is to promote the long-term sustainable
success of the Company, generating value for Shareholders
and contributing to wider society.
Board Leadership and Purpose
Responsibility for effective governance and for the overall
management of the Company’s affairs lies with the Board. The
governance framework of the Company reflects the fact that
as an investment company it outsources company secretarial,
administration, marketing, portfolio and risk management
services to Frostrow. Portfolio management is then delegated
to Lindsell Train by Frostrow.
The Board seeks to establish and maintain a corporate culture
characterised by fairness in its treatment of the Company’s
service providers, whose efforts are collectively directed
towards delivering returns to Shareholders in line with the
Company’s purpose and objectives. It is the Board’s belief
that this contributes to the greater success of the Company,
as well as being an appropriate way to conduct relations
between parties engaged in a common purpose.
Matters Reserved For Decision By The Board
The Board has adopted a schedule of matters reserved for its
decision. This includes, inter alia, the following:
• Requirements under the Companies Act 2006, including
approval of the half yearly and annual financial
statements, recommendation of any dividend, the
appointment or removal of the Company Secretary, and
determining the policy on share issuance and buy-backs.
• Matters relating to certain Stock Exchange requirements
and announcements, the Company’s internal controls, and
the Company’s corporate governance structure, policy
and procedures.
• Decisions relating to the strategic objectives and overall
management of the Company, including the appointment
or removal of the AIFM , Portfolio Manager and other
service providers, and review of the Investment Policy.
• Matters relating to the Board and Board committees,
including the terms of reference and membership of the
committees, the appointment of Directors (including the
Chairman) and the determination of Directors’ remuneration.
Day-to-day operational and portfolio management is
delegated to Frostrow and Lindsell Train respectively.
The Board takes responsibility for the content of communications
regarding major corporate issues, even if Frostrow or Lindsell
Train acts as spokesperson. The Board is kept informed of
relevant promotional material that is issued by Frostrow.
Composition, Succession and Evaluation
The Board seeks to ensure that it is well-balanced and
refreshed regularly by the appointment of new directors with
the skills and experience necessary, in particular, to replace
those lost by directors’ retirements. The Board further ensures
that it is comprised of members who collectively:
i. display the necessary balance of professional skills,
experience, length of service and industry/Company
knowledge; and
ii. are fit and proper to direct the Company’s business with
prudence and integrity; and provide policy guidance on
the structure, size and composition of the Board (and its
Committee) and the identification and selection of suitable
candidates for appointment to the Board (and its Committee).
The composition and skills of the Board are reviewed annually
and at such other times as circumstances may require.
Diversity Policy
The Board supports the principle of boardroom diversity and
therefore the Company’s Diversity Policy applies to both the
Board and Audit Committee.
The Company’s policy is that the Board should be comprised
of directors who collectively display the necessary balance of
professional skills, experience, length of service and industry
knowledge and that appointments to the Board should be
made on merit, against objective criteria, including diversity
in its broadest sense. The objective of the policy is to have a
broad range of approaches, backgrounds, skills, knowledge
and experience represented on the Board. The Board believes
that this will make the Board more effective at promoting
the long-term sustainable success of the Company and
generating value for all Shareholders by ensuring there is
a breadth of perspectives among the Directors and the
challenge needed to support good decision-making.
To this end achieving a diversity of perspectives and
backgrounds on the Board during the year has been, and
will continue to be, a key consideration in any Director
search process. The gender balance of three men and three
women, as at the date of the Annual Report, exceeds the
requirements of the Listing Rules. The Board is aware that
gender representation objectives have been set for FTSE 350
companies and that targets concerning ethnic diversity have
been recommended. The Parker Review set a target for each
FTSE 100 Board to have at least one director of colour by 2021
and for each FTSE 250 Board to have the same by 2024.
The Board will not display any bias in respect of age, gender,
race, sexual orientation, religion, ethnic or national origins,
disability, or educational, professional or socio-economic
background in considering the appointment of its Directors.